Monday, November 30, 2015

Monthly Mix: November 2015

Ellie Goulding experiences Delirium
     Another Thanksgiving is in the books and it's time to look forward to the winter. The turkey and mashed potato feast wouldn't be officially complete without a side of piping hot new tunes.
     English pop singer Ellie Goulding is riding high due to her latest album Delirium [Nov 6, via Polydor Records]. The sixteen tracks are more focused on pop lyrics and less on electronics like her previous efforts. On the club banger "On My Mind" she showcases her voice over a dance hall worthy beat. Check out her tour as it dips through the United States, Canada, and the UK.
     As the days grow darker and colder its a good thing to know that the iPod is all warmed up with fresh cuts.

November 2015 Playlist

1.  Foo Fighters  -  "Saint Cecilia"

2.  EL VY  -  "Return To The Moon"

3.  Weezer  -  "Thank God For Girls"

4.  Firekid  -  "Magic Mountain"

5.  Dr. Dog  -  "Badvertise"

6.  Cage The Elephant  -  "Mess Around"

7.  Brick + Mortar  -  "Train"

8.  Grizfolk  -  "Troublemaker"

9.  Coldplay  -  "Adventure Of A Lifetime"

10.  Great Good Fine Ok  -  "Take It Or Leave It"

11.  Panama Wedding  -  "Infinite High"

12.  Ellie Goulding  -  "On My Mind"

Check in every month for the freshest music from around the globe.

Visit iTunes if interested in purchasing any songs featured in Orbit Sound!

For more, follow Steve Ferris on Twitter: @SteveFerris7